Monday, October 9, 2017

Shattered Star - The Asylum Stone - Episode ? - I missed a bunch of logging

A lot happened since the previous post, but I'm going to resume note taking.

Usual disclaimer - notes are taken during session.

Taking the adventurer and her husband's body out of the cave. The party looks for a swarm bane item of some type. We got swarm bane thingy.

The party continues through the caverns and encounters 2 gibbering mouthers and a brain ooze. They quickly defeat the creatures. They find a crossbow that is magic, but they can't decipher what it is. They do find some human bane bolts.

The party goes to the next door they find Lounim, but Morrigan casts charm on him and the battle doesn't occur.

They enter a room where they can see the night sky but there are vines that attacks. They make quick work of the critter.

They head to the next room with a creature named hummelgau. The water almost drowns them, but they manage to free him.

They find a door with the Sihedron on it and the dark naga in front of it. It does not attack as it was not effected by the symbol of insanity. They can't open the door, so they leave the naga and keep looking.

The next room they enter is very bright. They fight Lurkers in Light and quickly defeat them partially thanks to Morrigan casting darkness on a coin and tossing it into the room.

They return to the portal and after a lot of work they figure out how to get past it.

They get past the portal. The Naga is about to attack, when Morrigan casts charm.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Shattered Star - Curse of the Lady's Light - Episode 8 - The pirate, snake, undead adventure path

Jazeem appears in a room with polished walls. Tryptic appears in a room with polished walls. He tries to escape. Morrigan appears in the same type of room. The separate rooms link to a large adjoining room. A grey maiden comes out and attacks. They subdue her and then talk to her. She tells them they are stranded in this room unless they trigger a portal to Sorcian.

She tells the story of how Sorcian ensorelled her allies. She herself had been before breaking free. Her name is Oreana. They decide to face her.

They trigger the portal and follow the portal to Sorcian's room. A battle ensues between the party, Sorcian, and three sinspawn. Long battle.....

The illusion on Sorcian drops and reveals that she is actually an Alu demon. 

They find 2 amber coins which they conclude can be used to activate another portal. They activate the portal and appear elsewhere. 

They appear in another room which is dark and dirty. The room has the shard. Tryptic picks it up.

The party exits the Lady's light.

They talk to the Troglodytes about selling herbs to set up spice trade.

They party heads back down the trail and find the guy behind the portcullus. He indicates that he has summoned a boat. They take a Brelish galleon. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Shattered Star - Curse of the Lady's Light - Episode 7 - I Just Met a Girl Named Covfefe

We are in a bathing chamber. We look into the next room which is a large marble/gold-plated hallway. There are statues of Sorchian. The statues are magic. The statue has it's hand out and a carving saying "By My touch, enter my inner sanctum".

The party detects strong conjuration magic and attempts to trigger the the device. The party triggers the transporter and Morrigan appears in a room strongly smelling of perfume. Several perfume bottles on pink pedestals. Morrigan sees a dark corridor. She peeks around the corner.

Jazeem and Trypic manage to transport themselves leaving Wil behind.

Jazeem appears behind Morrigan.

Tryptic appears in another room. Surrounded by SINSPAWN!

Jazeem and Morrigan go down the hallway looking.

Tryptic is being attacked, he runs away.

Jazeem and Morrigan find their way back to the room where Wil is before he can trigger the transporter. Jazeem stands on the panel and Morrigan jumps into his arms.

They arrive in the room and hear sounds of battle. They follow. They manage to catchup and defeat them.

They return to the carpeted room. They continue. Eventually, they come upon a party being attended by demonic beings. Morrigan puts her hood down and walks in and demands wine. After interacting with them demons she concludes it's an illusion.

However, the party is attacked by giant spiders. A few moments into the fight, they realize that they are fighting monsters which are being summoned. Morrigan looks up and sees an invisible red-skinned demon caster. The party manages to defeat her.

Party continues exploring and encounters a group of Grey Maidens at the base of a tower. Battle ensues. Grey Maidens are defeated. The party starts walking up stairs up the tower. They find statues of the Lords of Dust; embrace sorchian and karzoug; and teleport away.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Shattered Star - Curse of the Lady's Light - Episode 6 - Tik 2: Tik HARDER!

The party is still on the boats and continues paddling the underground lake. They are attacked by undead looking man-bat things. They BARELY defeat them. They start looking for a place to dock.

They dock, rest, go out again, find a beach and start exploring. (I spaced, and missed details - I really should bring my recorder). Tik plays with his wood.

They start exploring and locate a room with bas reliefs of sorcian.

They find a room with a long wooden table and there are various crates and chests. The room has grey maidens in it. They attack us. We defeat them and leave one alive for questioning.

They question their captive. The group had come to try to get magic items to assist with reuniting their portions of countries. They found Sorcian who converted them.

The group argues with how to handle their survivor and Morrigan kills her.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Shattered Star - Curse of the Lady's Light - Episode 5 - I hate the water! And I hate being wet! And I hate YOU!

The party bunks for the night and continues on the next day.  They find a room of marble with large brazier with grey flames. Conjuration magic! As they look a red orb with a huge green eye. A bunch of beholder kin things attack! After an annoying battle, they take the things down.

They continue on. Wil locates a secret door. They enter and go down stairs. They come to a painting of Sorchian saying "Prostate thyself and show proper devotion my sweet slave to enter". The party kisses the paintings feet and are teleported to a platform near an underground lake near a dock with boats.

They take the boats and note a platform on the other side of the lake with an immense red panel. The party goes there and see a carving of numerous beasts worshipping sorchian. They open and follow a corridor and end up in a room with 6 large chests.  (Yes, there was more, but I could only type so fast). In the room, there is a large humanoid thing sitting on a thrown. It is being flanked by two other strange creatures. It claims to be Sorchian, and attacks, but is quickly defeated.

They go back and sail further down the lake.

As they proceed the boat starts shaking. The boat carrying Triptyc, Morrigan, and Jazeem capsizes.

They manage to kill the critters and get back in the boat.

Shattered Star - Curse of the Lady's Light - Episode 4 - The GM wanted us to get a head!

Party continues. They find a sarcophagus with a woman inside it who appears to be magically preserved. Morrigan concludes that this a clone (the spell) of Sorcian. Tryptic swings his hammer at the sarcophagus, but the moment it tcouhes the glass, he sees himself surrounded by inquisitors - which fades. The glass DOES shatter however. Wil takes the jewelry she is wearing and Tryptic destroy the clone.

The party continues down one of the passages. They encounter wall with some obscene carvings (WOO!). Morrigan concludes that the panels depict Sorcian infusing items with incubi/succubi to power artifacts. Jazeem notes that it's a door with a puzzle.  They study the panel trying to figure it out. After trial and error, runes appear "Ayendamala is bound to the light for all ages." and the door opens. The corridor leads to an underground beach with 2 skiffs. Wil gets on one of the skiffs and it starts moving down river. The rest of the group follows.

The river flows to a beach with a marble passage. There is a platform with a glass statue. The party makes it way to the shore, and follows the passage on foot. They come up to a room with walls with lots of obscene images. They continue and reach a lowered portcullis. They hear footsteps.

Stepping into a view is a pale man with bone white hair in a long braid. He demands the passphrase. The party can't provide one, and he says, "Well, I must stop you". The party gets through the portcullus. Morrigan is struck by an invisible assailant.  He appears holding a magical rapier. Battle ensues. During the battle, Morrigan manages to dispel a compulsion on him. He surrenders. Naius was under a magical influence of Sorcian. He tells the story of how he and his employer came here. He gives them a wand that he says will allow detection of secret doors.

They continue on. As they look, they are attacked by a pillar. The heads crawl off the the statues and attack them with laser eye beams (look I'm not making this up). They eventually defeat the Marble Sentinels. Morrigan concludes that Sorcian is likely aware of their presence.

They continue. Trypic falls into a pit-trap. The party flies over the pittrap and continues.

They enter a room with fresh blood spatters everywhere. The party is attacked by a flying critter.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Shattered Star - Curse of the Lady's Light - Episode 3 - What do you call a full grown wolf?

The party makes it way to the boggart village.

They pass a house and see eyes looking at them. They encounter a group of boggarts which attack. It's a desperate battle, but the heroes are victorious. The heroes briefly recoup and then investigate the village. The party searches the village looking for "stuff".

They find a Troglodyte suffering from "filth fever". She tells them that she was captured and was to be sacrificed to the boggart god in another cave. The party buffs her so she is more likely to get home safely and then they continue to the cave.

They enter the cave and after a little ways they notice the cavern is worked stone. They encounter a Pyrohydra. They very quickly beat it. Then they return to the Troglodyte village to reset.

The Trogs are impressed that they defeated the boggart god. The party eats "pyrohydra stew" and rests.

The next day the party heads towards "the bug cave" and see carvings of warrior women. The party is about to proceed down a shaft when they are attacked by the statues of the warrior women. While immune to the Scorching Ray (cuz, like, I forgot) they were not immune to Acid Arrows and a lot of damage.

They tie a rope to Trypic and lower him down the dark shaft. We didn't have enough rope to lower him down more than about 20 feet. They conclude they do not have enough rope.

Morrigan notes there is a featherfall effect. Wil immediately jumps in. Jazeem jumps in after. Tryptic and Morrigan are boggled, but eventually jump in. It is VERY deep and they eventually land on the floor of a grand hall made of polish marble.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Shattered Star - Curse of the Lady's Light - Episode 2 - I wasn't there

Yes, I wasn't here - notes provided from Tryptic

War Journal - Lady's Light - Swamp Day 2
  Local landowner (witch? half-orc? female?) accepted offering of sea plants for use of support and maintenance facilities. Provided status of local politics in regard to the lit monument.
  - Area should be considered cursed.  Tried visiting site years back. Advised care when investigating. (cursed?)
  - Hostile tribe A (Froggies, Boggart?) in caves at base of statue.  Aggressive fighting against tribe B. Considered evil, and currently influenced by troop of knights (see Unknown Military Force).  
  - Hostile tribe B (Troggies, Trogglodyte?) in caves slightly farther from statue.  Likely to have alternate paths to enter site.  Likely at disadvantage due to knights supporting tribe A.
  - Unknown military force. Armored knights sent to investigate target site. (Female humans, Led by Orianna)  Met with local landowner earlier, rude and appear to have allied with tribe A to secure access.

Swamp Day 3-13 - Investigation of tribe B.
 - As expected, did not welcome the visit.   Forced to take out ambushers on the trail in.   Upon entry discovered tribe had been heavily damaged.
 - Attacked by leader, executed during defense.
 - Showed compassion on remaining tribe.  Attempted repairs on remainder in hopes of gaining cooperation.  Cooperation initiative succeeded.
 - Spent time attempting to convert hideous jade emblem into something better.  Partially successful, at least it no longer is religious.
 - Learned of further caverns and alliance between knights and tribe A
 - Learned of cavern insects.  Tribe A has repellent.  Must seek out samples.

Caverns Day 14 - Investigation into caves.
 - Encountered insects.  Dangerous, fast, and not too bright.  Suggestion of eating like shrimp was rejected.
 - Encountered worship facility.  Signs of evil and depredation.  Defeated religious representatives present.

-- Now on into the caves..

Monday, March 6, 2017

Shattered Star - Curse of the Lady's Light - Episode 1 - Does the water look hurt?

Jazeem, Morrigan, and Wil are waiting for the Ioun stone.

MEANWHILE, a warforged named Tryptic Mirror. Thrane has become less tolerant of warforged. He's been working with another warforged. Eventually the other warforged (whom Trypic has 'forgotten' the name of) is packing to leave and advises him to 'go to Sharn' and find a specific group: daughter of a fiend, son of the earth, and brother of a wolf. He gives Trypic a pouch with a branding stamp. That night, he looks at the brand, heats it and is driven to BRAND HIS FOREHEAD.

He gets a vision of an armored figure of a headless demonic figure riding a horse. Then he has a vision of an elf putting a helmet on his head. Then he has a vision of a stone statue of an angel with no face. As he returns to consciousness and sees the warforge appears floating above him and implores him to "Go Now".

Trypic flees. He takes a lightning rail out of Thrane. Trypic takes odd jobs to pay his way to Sharn. As he continues he discovers that he is developing some inherent magical abilities. He learns that the brand symbol he has is the mark of Onatar. He still doesn't know what the riddle to find, "daughter of a fiend, son of the earth, and brother of a wolf".

Eventually, he arrives in Sharn. He encounters the crowds. He impresses some locals who offer him a job. Trypic makes his way to the "customs office" and is processed by another warforged named "Stringer". The other warforged is puzzled by Tryptic's answers but gives him some paperwork. Aside from normal processing paperwork advises to meet him in the south railway lounge in 30 minutes.

Tryptic meets Stringer. He ponders Trypic's statement about looking for, "daughter of a fiend, son of the earth, and brother of a wolf". Stringer thinks he may know who Tryptic is looking for. He tells Tryptic about his being abducted by derro. He describes his rescuers (the party). He gives directions to the Pathways society.

Back to the party, They return to the Pathway society to get to Ioun stone. They are ushered into a room full of people (many of whom they have not yet met). Sheila Hidemark is there with her husband. There is also Koria Asmirand and Natalia Venkaskerskinson.

Wil now has the shard with no curse.

Wil sees a vision of "The Lady's Light". It is a monolithic statue off of the coast of the Shadow Marches. It has been around for a long time as it was built by one of the Lords of Dust, Sorshen (embodiment of lust). The Pathways society says they will arrange for passage there.

They are given boxes and inside is a very elaborate compass. They are now members of the society and the compasses are wayfinders.

After that two women approach them. Sabyyra Kalm is a spice merchant, she is hoping that we will broker an agreement with locals for trade. Morrigan takes a folder with information. The second woman who is short and smells of granite and paint; Aveya. She has seen the party rowing back and forth from the Crow. She makes statues of succubi "in flagrante". She offers to buy any interesting statues or artwork. The party agrees.

As they leave they almost run into Tryptic. After purchasing a zone of truth spell, they decide to trust him.

The next day they prepare to leave. They head to their ship, "The Wanton Ways". The trip is uneventful.

They arrive at "The Lady's Cape" where the statue is. They take a rowboat out to it. They start walking toward the "Lady" and find a path that leads to a small island nearby. They cross the bridge in hopes of setting up a camp. They notice a column of smoke from the island. They find totems with skulls on them when they get to the island. They find runes written in Draconic with dire warnings to turn back.

They continue on. They find a shack from where the smoke is coming. There is a stench coming from it. Morrigan knocks. They are approached by a half-orc woman. She tells them she needs Kelpie's hair. A particular seaweed. There is a ship wreck where it grows. The party heads out.

They come across an area with various flotsam scattered about. Jazeem swims out to look for the kelp and is attacked by something in the water (Grey ooze). Jazeem quickly destroys it.

They return with the seaweed.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Shattered Star - Interlude - 50 Shades of Ambergris

Koriah Azmerin tells the story of whale oil (I forgot to take notes).

The party notes two people in the bar talking. The man (victor has manacles).

Vrin and Victor St. Demain are talking and Victor is talking in a threatening manner. Wil and Jazeem start arguing over money and helping Vrin. Victor pulls a set of manacles and moves toward her. Jazeem steps up to stop him. Wil steps up appraising how much money Victor likely has. Victor identifies himself as an Inquistive. Morrigan notices that 2 patrons have disappeared. 

Victor leaves and chases after Vrin. The party gives chase. Wil and Jazeem each take a hit in their chase. A fight ensues as some of the patrons attack the party. The party subdues the attackers and Morrigan manages to charm one of the attackers. They chat with him and discover that Vrin is a thief. Morrigan lets him go. 

They hear an explosion outside.

The party goes out, and they find the results of a huge explosion. Victor is yelling "Stop that woman!" The party gives chase. They finally manage to catch up to Vrin (who is now appearing as a man). Jazeem grapples him and orders Vrin to change back. Vrin is a changling.

Everyone catches up. 

They take Vrin into custody and with Victor go to House Medani. The party gets a reward and returns to Whale Oil. The meet Koriah and a dwarf (probably with House Kundurak). The dwarf is interested in purchasing Tick. He offers 7000 gold, plus "House Kundurak bank accounts".

Jazeem is very sad and gives Tick a hug. 

The dwarf leaves with Tick. Wil is very obsessed with bling. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Shattered Star - Shards of Sin - Episode 8 - Sigmund and the Sea Monsters

There are 3 people - human man, human woman, warforged. The heroes lead them out. Lockerby eats the deep gnome corpses. Finster leads them out a different way and they end up coming out a secret door in the grey float district. They return to the guard watchtower with the former captives.
They meet up with Sgt. Cassidy. They answer her questions and give a play-by-play (leaving out details of Lockerby).

Wil, in a fit of cruelty, demands that they sell Tick.

They party returns to the Crow and go find Lockerby. They continue down. The stairway stops at a dark void. They believe it to be a passage to Khyber - the Underdark. They go back and ponder how to block it off. They try the other stair case and continue exploring. They eventually find their way to a small cave. In the cave is a small skeleton. As they go to investigate, a chill blows through. Will observes it's brown mold. They lob an alchemical ice at it to kill it off and go to investigate. There is nothing interesting so they continue.

They encounter a magical darkness which Wil dissipates with a light spell. They continue and encounter more darkness. Morrigan can see. They dispel more darkness and find a room with crates, barrels, and some alchemical equipment.

The party is attacked. Something drops over Wil and Akeela's heads. Weird squid creatures. Two small winged figures also appear. Finally, another derro appears. The battle commences. It doesn't go well. (Like, half of the session was fighting JUST the derro). During the battle, Morrigan casts her scroll of animate dead on the DarkMantle and directs it to attack.

Lockerby eats the derro and the party looks around. They find some vials of a weird alchemical liquid and various gold coins. They also find a lens of detection and a wand of spiritual weapon. Jazeem names the zombie darkmantle "Sigmund".

Lockerby leaves them and they send Sigmund with them.

The next day they continue explore. They find a room with a domed ceiling. In the center is an altar. On the alter is another shard. However, there are two giant spider thingies in the room that attack. They quickly defeat them. They determine the shard is the shard of greed.

Wil picks up the shard. HE WANTS TO BUY STUFF!

They return to the guard post. Cassidy tells them there is a reward for the missing peoples. They return to the Pathway society. They tell Sheila about their misadventures. Wil insists they get paid for the information.

As they are doing business around town, they meet up with Koriah Azmerin (The other pathways person). She takes them into Whale Oil (the place they are staying). She wants to hear about what's going on.

She tells us the story of...

Monday, January 23, 2017

Shattered Star - Shards of Sin - Episode 7 - Alternative Facts

The party returns to Sharn to get rid of the load of items.

The party gives the brooch to Liza Jane. They also return to the Pathfinder..errr...Pathways society. They provide descriptions of what happened and Morrigan casts illusion. And apparently, mysterious voices from another realm tells us about baseball players (My phone chimed in).

Sheila husband Kevin err... Kenevin is interested in what they saw. Morrigan recreates the images for him. He speculates that one of the images is that of a nascent demon lord, but he cannot recall the name. He notes with interest that the image shows Zelasnist interacting with the demon could be interesting. He gives the party 1000 gp.

The party also drops the ID they got off of the cocooned person eaten by spiders with the city guard before returning to The Crow.....

They return to where they left off and continue down the hallways. The party is attacked. More of the lemuireses attack, but the party quickly kills them.

They enter another room that is a disused storage room. There they find a brass crank with a pearl inlaid handle. They also find a weird brass humanoid with 3 legs and 3 arms. Jazeems finds a set of smith's tools.

The party attempts to pull the shard off of one of the statues but to no avail except 1 negative level.

The party continues to explore.

They eventually find a key which looks like could fit in the automaton. They wind up the automaton and find it responds to commands. It is a clockwork servant. The party names it "Tick".

The party continue to explore.

The next room they enter they hear a voice that demands why they are here. It identifies itself as Lord Baz. It demands to be worshipped. Morrigan casts see invisibility, notes it's an accuser devil, casts sleep on it, ties it up, and crushes it with Wil's mace (Quite possibly the most awesome thing i've ever done in an RPG).

They return with the body of Baz to Suzarain of Airobus.

Suzarain rewards them. Morrigan casts see invisibility and sees the small batwinged creature. Wil asks, "How can we pay homage if we can't see you?" Suzarain reveals itself. Wil says "You are truely magnificent" and swings his mace at it.

A fight ensues. The party deals with Suzarain and the lemures.

They return the bodies of Baz and Suzarain to Stink. Stink gives them a handful of gold and 3 gems.

The party looks for Lockerby Brast. They return to his room. They tell him that the brooch brought her comfort. He goes to aid them with the Derro. He reminds them that there are 3 ways to get to them. He recommends via the balcony but they have to deal with Cave Morays.

He leads them on down a passageway to a room with a crossway over water. There are sewer pipes pouring water into the room. The party enters the room and is attacked by the cave morays. Morrigan crits with Scorching Ray! The rest of the party kills the other one.

The party reaches the balcony overlooking a large room. In the center is a wide spiral staircase going down. The party hears arguing in a gutteral language that causes the party's ears to itch.

The party attacks and manages to defeat the 3 of them.

Lockerby says there is a 4th.

They continue looking - and run across a Carrion Golem and a fight ensues. They manage to defeat it. After defeating it they find, much to our surprise, FENSTER!

They keep exploring. They find some cells with people in them. They free them.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Shattered Star - Shards of Sin - Episode 6 - There's job security in murder hoboing

We work our way back to where we left off. In the room we see a large red statue of the woman holding the rascur. The room is caked with the mucusy slime. The party is attacked by a leech like creature. Grubs and leeches and such pour out of it's mouth. They quickly kill the critter. They note the statue's ransur is a magical weapon that is not actually part of the statue. They take the statue

They take the door to the left which leads to a bare stone room where weird tar-ish creatures attack. They quickly kill the creatures and continue on.

The next room they enter contains a large glowing circle of runes with a small bit of fire in the middle. The circle is a magic circle against law. Akela and Wil check out the next room, skirting the circle. The next room is an oddly angled room 20x30, with a curtain made out of chains. The room seems empty. He continues on while Morrigan and Jazeem wait. Two creatures appearing to be made out of clay come out at Wil - and so Jazeem and Morrigan rush to his aid. They smush the critters.

A booming voice calls out, "Excellent, you've done well. Perhaps you will be of more service to little Airubus". It tells the party to go slay "Lord Baz". The party reluctantly agrees and continues back to the room with the statue.

They enter a wide room with two pillars. There are runes all over. "Does true power lie within one or the many?" One statue is of Zalaznast and the pillar of the other runelords. Finding nothing of interest, they continue on.

Eventually they find a room with a door. Wil opens it an finds two more "weird tar" creatures attack. They splatter them and continue.

The next room has carvings of soldiers caked with salt. There is a stairwell leading into the ocean with a magic field. Morrigan concludes there is a magic field that holds back the water, but doesn't stop beings from walking through.  There is also a door. The party enters the door and finds a staircase going up into a domed chamber that shows areas below water (we are underwater). Morrigan notes that there is a shipwreck in the water. Morrigan finds 2 scrolls of water breathing.

Morrigan casts the water breathing. Wil ties a rope (so they can get back). They walk to the ship. The ship is the "Liza Jane". Wil recalls it is a ship that sank a few years back. As they get on the ship they are attacked by Eel Crustacean things.

Most of the ships contents are rotted away. The party finds a rapier, buckler (+1), and a brooch.

The party returns to dry land.

They continue looking. The next room they find a room with dry black sludge. There is a creature that sees us an immediately starts crying in fear. It says it's name is "Stink". It offers to "give the party stuff" for killing Baz.

The party continues. They find another room with a statue of Zalasnist. The rasur it's holding starts sparking and smoking. Morrigan detects magic and room explodes.  They avoid any serious damage and look through.

They see weird art (more detail coming). They continue (not been mapping the maze, so it's been vague where we are going beyond generally doing "left hand rule").

Eventually get to an iron door. They force it open and find a curving passageway. The walls/floor/ceiling are sheathed with iron. Morrigan reads the runes and determines the room is designed to weaken the fields between plains. This is likely to the plane of fire.

While exploring the maze, they realize they are being followed and are promptly attacked by a firey canine thing. Morrigan realizes she shouldn't have taken scorching ray as her 2nd level attack spell. The party drops it and continues through the maze.

Eventually they find a room with an iron floor. There is suit of armor that looks like it was previously worn by someone who has long since "rotted away". Morrigan uses dimensional slide to go through the portcullis and open it using the wench. They identify the armor as masterwork halfplate. And they continue.

(snip - unable to record this - they fought some things)

Party continues. Gets to a wide double doors. There are stairs leading into murky water.

Jazeem swims across but is attacked by 3 creatures (sinspawn?).  The party manages to defeat them and Jazeem continues on. The rest of the party follows.
Ghoulish Lockery Brast

They get to a room with a cistern full of dark water with troughs of water with soggy timbers over them. They hear singing in the passageway off the left. The party slowly proceeds. Suddenly the singing stops and they hear a splash.

In the next room there is a stone bridge in a room full of water. The walls have been painting in a mural depicting Sharn. The party crosses the bridge and hears, "Well, look what has come to visit me. A whole bunch of you too! What are you doing here?"

The party talks with the voice. He says he is/was Capt. Lockery Brast of the Liza Jane. He asks for the broach which they give him. A form comes out of the water. It examines the locket. He has become a ghoul.  In gratitude he provides information.

Ahead is another room full of water - but  don't go in - it will collapse. The way back eventually leads to a magic fountain. Be careful of the green slime growing there. Continue on, there is another watery room with 2 huge cysts. Cave Morays - don't mess with them.

He further asks that we go to his widow and tell her that we found the broach. Don't tell her he is now a ghoulish monster. Ask around in the docks for "Liza Jane Brast".

He also warns of Derro.