Thursday, July 8, 2010


I picked this book up a few weeks ago for the Savage Worlds RPG because, to me at least, the setting is SOOO COOL! If you are familiar with the Edgar Rice Burroughs "John Carter" series, you will be familiar with the feel of the world, if not the exact world (there are differences - it is in the style of the books, but not the exact setting).

I'm sharing this for my gaming group to better explain the setting.


    Welcome to Mars!

    Not Mars as it is - airless, most likely lifeless, with only the faintest hints of what might have once been a damp, if not necessarily lush and living, world billions of years in the past. No, this is Mars as it should be and as it was once imagined to be - an ancient, dying, but not yet dead world, a world where a vast canal network reaches from pole to pole, bringing water and life to vast and fantastic cities. A Mars where albino apes run a vast empire in the last surviving jungle, a world where warrior tribes of Green Martians raid the outlying cities of the canal dwellers, a world where, in places dark and quiet and forgotten beneath the surface, ancient and terrible intellects plan dark and dire deeds.

    It is a Mars of sky-corsairs, of duels with blade and blaster, of vile plots, fantastic inventions, daring rescues, arena battles, and spectacular stunts. It is a Mars where ancient cities can be discovered and their lost treasures plundered, a Mars where a trek across the dry sea bottoms can yield amazing discoveries, where terrible monsters roam the rocky wastes.

    It is the Mars of pulp fiction and Saturday morning serials.

The book was released by Adamant Entertainment.

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