Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Life and Times of a Deadman - Episode 25 - Secrets in the Shadows: Confronting Cultists and Fiends

The session began with Sabrina interrogating Greely, but he refused to disclose any information. Audrey Rose tried to intimidate him with her flesh-eating bombs and scalpel, yet he remained uncooperative. Zita took her turn, but all Greely offered was a cryptic suggestion to talk to someone named Molag-Bol, without revealing his whereabouts. No one in the group had ever heard of Molag-Bol.

Sabrina attempted to negotiate, but Greely was steadfast. Audrey Rose was adamant that Greely should either be handed over to the city watch or killed. Deciding to take action, the group grabbed Greely and headed to the toilet, lifting the seat and descending a ladder. Sabrina pushed Greely down the twenty-foot drop and followed with a lit torch. London cast light on Sabrina, illuminating the narrow passage of ancient stonework. Signs of recent passage were evident, and London could easily follow the trail through the twisted tunnels.

The group reached a section of the tunnel where they heard rocks shifting above them. They turned to see a large spider, an Ogre Spider, dropping from the ceiling. Audrey Rose threw a bomb, hitting it squarely between the eyes. Sabrina attempted mind control, but the spider’s mind was unreachable. Zita sneak-attacked with double daggers but had to dodge as the spider lunged at her. Suddenly, a second spider descended, pushing Greely aside. Bosley tried to strike but missed. London blessed the group.

Dol closed in and attacked the first spider, while Audrey Rose drank a Targeted Bomb extract. Sabrina cast Shadow Splinter on herself. Zita tumbled past the first spider, flanking it with Tweetie Bear and double-daggering it into four pieces. The second spider lunged at Sabrina but missed, and Bosley shot a ray of frost at the ceiling.

Audrey Rose threw a Targeted Bomb at the second spider, which Tweetie Bear then bit. Zita tumbled again, flanking the second spider. The spider bit Sabrina, turning her green. Bosley stabbed the spider, and Audrey Rose followed with Alchemical Fire, scaring it. Sabrina activated her Mistarmor, obscuring herself in a cloud. Tweetie Bear then beheaded the spider.

Audrey Rose extracted two doses of giant spider venom from the corpses. London healed the party, and they continued forward. The passage led to natural, warped stairs ending at a portcullis. Two wooden mannequins in green robes stood on either side. The room also contained crates, a table, and several hooks with green robes. A winch was ten feet away.

Greely suddenly shouted, “Hey guys. We have intruders down here.” Bosley and London attempted to lift the portcullis but failed. Dol searched for a hidden passage but found none. Sabrina confirmed that the mannequins were not magical. Audrey Rose picked the lock, and London used a crowbar to bend the bars and lift the portcullis. As Sabrina and Greely entered the room, green and purple runes flashed on the floor.

Three figures with dark blue skin and white eyes, wearing metal chains, appeared. One said, “Look brothers; we have toys.” Tweetie Bear charged but only got a mouthful of chain. Bosley tumbled behind one and attacked. The creature approached Sabrina, hissing, “I want your liver and your tongue,” and lashed out with spiked chains. Another creature threatened Bosley and hit him with chains. The third one examined Tweetie Bear and lashed it with chains.

London blessed his weapon, making it good-aligned. Audrey Rose threw Alchemical Acid at the middle demon, splashing the third. Sabrina’s Hideous Laughter spell failed due to their spell resistance. Zita tumbled to the third demon. Dol identified the creatures as Velstrac fiends, vulnerable to silver and good-aligned weapons, with a gaze attack that could shake a creature and immunity to cold.

The first fiend attacked Sabrina and London with its chains. The second fiend struck Bosley and missed Tweetie Bear. The third fiend lashed at Zita, badly injuring her. London’s good-aligned sword left a bright purple glow on the first fiend, who mocked, “Foreplay, that’s nice.” Audrey Rose threw a bottle of lightning. Sabrina missed with her sword, while Zita stabbed the third fiend. Tweetie Bear attacked the third fiend, and Bosley used Shocking Grasp on the first fiend.

The first fiend missed Bosley but struck London. The second fiend lashed London around. The third fiend attacked Tweetie Bear and Zita, with Zita looking badly hurt. Audrey Rose threw Alchemical Fire at the fiends. Zita double-daggered the third fiend, killing it. Tweetie Bear missed the second fiend. Bosley was injured by a chain, and London was lashed. Tweetie Bear disappeared in a puff. London called on his god to heal the group. Audrey Rose threw Alchemical Acid, and Zita stabbed the second fiend, making it vanish in smoke.

Dol’s daze attempt failed. Bosley missed his attack and was retaliated against. The creature struck London twice, but London retaliated. Sabrina approached London, and Audrey Rose’s Alchemical Fire set the fiend ablaze. Hissing, “Liver and Tongues,” it faded away.

The group searched the crates, finding green robes, torches, and lantern oil. They found eight silver spider sickles worth 26 gold each and a spider candelabra worth 200 gold. Greely, now looking terrified, revealed this place was the cult’s base. They supplied him with Shiver, which he sold, and he brought them supplies. The cult operated from a ransacked house on Hook Street with an underground meeting place.

When Audrey Rose asked about any identifying greetings, Greely demonstrated a spider-like hand gesture. Zita inquired about the purpose of distributing Shiver. Greely admitted it was primarily for profit but hinted at a grander, political plan known only to the three leaders, indicating there was infighting among them.

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