There are 3 people - human man, human woman, warforged. The heroes lead them out. Lockerby eats the deep gnome corpses. Finster leads them out a different way and they end up coming out a secret door in the grey float district. They return to the guard watchtower with the former captives.
They meet up with Sgt. Cassidy. They answer her questions and give a play-by-play (leaving out details of Lockerby).
Wil, in a fit of cruelty, demands that they sell Tick.
They party returns to the Crow and go find Lockerby. They continue down. The stairway stops at a dark void. They believe it to be a passage to Khyber - the Underdark. They go back and ponder how to block it off. They try the other stair case and continue exploring. They eventually find their way to a small cave. In the cave is a small skeleton. As they go to investigate, a chill blows through. Will observes it's brown mold. They lob an alchemical ice at it to kill it off and go to investigate. There is nothing interesting so they continue.
They encounter a magical darkness which Wil dissipates with a light spell. They continue and encounter more darkness. Morrigan can see. They dispel more darkness and find a room with crates, barrels, and some alchemical equipment.
The party is attacked. Something drops over Wil and Akeela's heads. Weird squid creatures. Two small winged figures also appear. Finally, another derro appears. The battle commences. It doesn't go well. (Like, half of the session was fighting JUST the derro). During the battle, Morrigan casts her scroll of animate dead on the DarkMantle and directs it to attack.
Lockerby eats the derro and the party looks around. They find some vials of a weird alchemical liquid and various gold coins. They also find a lens of detection and a wand of spiritual weapon. Jazeem names the zombie darkmantle "Sigmund".
Lockerby leaves them and they send Sigmund with them.
The next day they continue explore. They find a room with a domed ceiling. In the center is an altar. On the alter is another shard. However, there are two giant spider thingies in the room that attack. They quickly defeat them. They determine the shard is the shard of greed.
Wil picks up the shard. HE WANTS TO BUY STUFF!
They return to the guard post. Cassidy tells them there is a reward for the missing peoples. They return to the Pathway society. They tell Sheila about their misadventures. Wil insists they get paid for the information.
As they are doing business around town, they meet up with Koriah Azmerin (The other pathways person). She takes them into Whale Oil (the place they are staying). She wants to hear about what's going on.
She tells us the story of...
Fantasy Art Commissions: Have You Ever Commissioned Some Artwork?
My niece is an aspiring graphic artist, and she's slowly learning the
industry (she's in high school). I'll occasionally commission her to create
52 minutes ago
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