A lot happened since the previous post, but I'm going to resume note taking.
Usual disclaimer - notes are taken during session.
Taking the adventurer and her husband's body out of the cave. The party looks for a swarm bane item of some type. We got swarm bane thingy.
The party continues through the caverns and encounters 2 gibbering mouthers and a brain ooze. They quickly defeat the creatures. They find a crossbow that is magic, but they can't decipher what it is. They do find some human bane bolts.
The party goes to the next door they find Lounim, but Morrigan casts charm on him and the battle doesn't occur.
They enter a room where they can see the night sky but there are vines that attacks. They make quick work of the critter.
They head to the next room with a creature named hummelgau. The water almost drowns them, but they manage to free him.
They find a door with the Sihedron on it and the dark naga in front of it. It does not attack as it was not effected by the symbol of insanity. They can't open the door, so they leave the naga and keep looking.
The next room they enter is very bright. They fight Lurkers in Light and quickly defeat them partially thanks to Morrigan casting darkness on a coin and tossing it into the room.
They return to the portal and after a lot of work they figure out how to get past it.
They get past the portal. The Naga is about to attack, when Morrigan casts charm.
Fantasy Art Commissions: Have You Ever Commissioned Some Artwork?
My niece is an aspiring graphic artist, and she's slowly learning the
industry (she's in high school). I'll occasionally commission her to create
25 minutes ago
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