Inside the penthouse, Catd is playing Call of Duty with his online friend. Catd says he's been playing for 43 hours straight and hasn't seen Phora in as much time. Catd is being very dismissive of his brother Skid and is only interested in playing video games.
At this moment, the group notices that the security defense grid has been activated. Reflecti-kid immediately throws up a reflective screen hiding them from detection. Katrina suggests they make their way to the entry foyer to disable the system. Catd complains that he doesn't want to move causing Kat to lose her temper and yell at him. They make their way to the foyer and Katrina uses her radiation abilities to cause a low level EMP to take out the security system.
Dynasty is unable to detect Phora. Catd becomes impatient and indicates that Phora was probably going to Ventura Prime. The group leaves to go to Legion HQ. Kat gets a message from Tenzil Kem, Attorney at Law!
It turns out that because Katrina still owns property on Ventura and because Qar and Katrina have a child, they are COMMON LAW MARRIED! This means Qar cannot get married again. Kat is apoplectic over this turn of events.
Katrina indicates that she doesn't want to be married - So Tenzil says that he can work out a divorce/annulment for them.
Qar says that he has worked out the stuff with Margi. However, he can certainly help with the other issue.
The group returns to Legion HQ so they can get a cruiser to get them to Ventura. Dynasty checks her messages on the way back. One is from her Mother saying that she is looking forward to seeing her later for dinner.
They arrive, Dynasty goes to the mission monitor room to talk to Dream Girl. Dream Girl reminds her that she has monitor duty this evening. Dynasty sends a message to her mother in hopes of using this as an excuse of getting out of dinner.
Skid takes Catd to the holo-gym and creates a scenario to play in. Skid then sends a message to his mother saying that he got Catd and looks forward to seeing her.
Quatro tries to hack data from Phora's OmniCom again and manages to get in. He finds the bank withdrawals and a purchase of a high-end one-man space cruiser - Venusian Mazeratti 183. Further hacking reveals that he has been having some communications that are encrypted for the past six weeks. Quatro is unable to decrypt them.
Meanwhile, Reflectikid is trying to get an OmniCom. He starts looking around, however, he is unable to obtain one as he is lacking authorization. He asks Katrina for authorization and she grants it along with any other reasonable request he needs. Computo provides him with a introductory OmniCom.
Katrina is looking through her notes and journals to try to determine what the heck happened in this timeline that caused the falling out between her and Invisible Kid. She finds the syllabus she wrote, tests she gave, other missions they went on, and such. In reading the documents, she determines the notes have a similar tone to what she'd write, but a little off. Oddly though, the notes from the Science Police she received on her school terminal about Phora she simply marked as "ignore". Quatro sends her the encrypted communications but she is unable to decrypt them either.
They decide to ask Dream Girl for help. However, she indicates that she is better at biomedical. When they meet her, she is tired and Qar offers to give her a massage. They head to the gym, and they summon a massage table and Qar starts to work. She falls asleep while he works. After a few minutes, Dream Girl wakes and cries, "Dynasty! I have to talk to her!" and flies off.
Dream Girl gets to Dynasty, "Something is going to happen to your father. You have to get something from him in order to get him back. That's all I saw in my vision!" Dream Girl relieves her and Dynasty teleports home. Something seems wrong in the shadow dimension.
As Dynasty grabs something her father appears wondering what she's doing. This is odd because apparently she HAS been at dinner with them. She attempts to catch up with "herself" in the house, and finds more of the ashen dust similar to what they found in Katrina's office. She starts to analyze is as her father vanishes. Dynasty's mother and brother arrive and have no memory of her father.
Dynasty creates a green bubble around her and his shirt that she picked up to make sure it doesn't vanish. She scans the dust and determines a biological residue similar to what was left behind when the duplicate of her brother, Kyle, created by Mantis Morlo dissolved.
Her mother (who remembers the events in the time bubble), accuses her of not 'taking care of things' with Harmonia Li. To protect Kyle, Dynasty leaves with him and returns to Legion Headquarters so they can go to Ventura - where her father was going to go before he vanished.
They congregate at Legion HQ and get ready for take off. They check on the status of Mantis Morlo only to find the files are restricted. In comparing notes, they realise that a person who Kyle refers to as "Uncle D" is, in actuality, Universo. Katrina sends all of the scan information on the ash to Dream Girl as she is the biomedical expert.
Just as they take off, Leland McCauley IV calls Qar. He asks Qar why "a four-armed quatro is in his penthouse". The party changes direction to Lakeopolis. Dynasty attempts to use her powers to allow her to read the encrypted messages but to no avail.
They all get together to try again but fail to decrypt it.
They arrive in Lakeopolis only to discover that Phora is NOT there. Qar calls Leland who indicates that he did NOT talk to him about Phora. Dynasty observes that every time they've tried to go to Ventura, something has interrupted them.

They head to Ventura.
During the trip they try again to decrypt the messages and fail. Dynasty theorizes there is something going on with probability. After talking a bit, Kyle reveals that he'd met Morlo (in disguise) and manipulated his metagene. Skid scans him and reveals that Kyle now has an active metagene. Katrina attempts to analyze Kyle's metagene based on her experience with an inactive metagene.
At this moment I notice that the GM is surreptitiously rolling dice whenever we roll to accomplish something.
Skid manages to reach Chief Zendak about the status of Mantis Morlo. He was being transferred to labyrinth when someone broke him out. The powers looked similar to Shadow Lass. Dynasty speculates this is actually the work of Vandal Savage.
Katrina attempts to confirm if probability is being manipulated. Her Omni-Com fails. Next Katrina gets a coin and flips it several times with Dynasty calling "heads or tails". Out of 100 times, 97% of the time the coin is tails (with Dynasty always calling heads).
They arrive on Ventura Prime and attempt to find Phora. News reports indicate in the Stardust Casino there is a quatro going insane on the casino pool on floor 127. However, there is no record of Phora's ship having arrived.
The group splits up and tracks down the quatros.
Qar and Skid go to investigate the casino pool. Dynasty and Kyle investigate the gambling floors. Katrina and Reflectikid investigate one of the rooms.
Katrina manages to activate her previously latent derlin powers to look like Catd. They arrive at the room and are greeted by Qar's mother, Myrn Rud. She says she wants to meet Phora.
Qar and Skid arrive at the pool and find his father, Ouro Rud, is the being frolicing nude in the pool. He is overjoyed to see his son.
Dynasty fails to find Phora but sees Power Boy operating the holo-roulette table. Dynasty pulls him aside. Power Boy tells her that he will repay the debt - a debt that Dynasty isn't aware of. Dynasty catches him up about Phora when Skid and Katrina both call her to let her know what's going on. At that moment everyone at the roulette table loses confirming that Kyle likely has "misfortune" powers.
They all agree to meet at the employee dining hall. They meet. Qar thinks that the Golden Wolves are trying to entrap him by giving his parents the trip to Ventura. Katrina remember that she saw the future incarnation of Phora at a Golden Wolves bar.
Suddenly, the Ventura sisters appear and point guns at Qar.
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