Alternate title: Super-Turtle isn't eligible to join the Legion of Super Pets as he doesn't wear the S-Shield
Dynasty transports the heroes (including her broth...wait sister Kylie??) and Quatro's father to the planet Tau-Ceti V to save her father, Herman Ramirez, from Phora. She uses a power to sense all of her relatives and locates closest relatives: Kylie next to her, her father on Tau Ceti V, a being on Earth, and another somewhere just on the limits of her perception somewhere in unidentified space.
At that same moment: there is a knock on the door, Quatro's omnicom beeps, and all of their flight-rings ring with an emergency signal.
There is a brilliant flash of green flame and the party arrives in the room where Phora and Dynasty's father are. The room is full of people. They notice two specific people in the room: a human wearing an elaborate turban and Hgllptx Bg, Jr. (who was NOT transported) ????
An enraged Phora is baring down on Dyansty's father. Katrina yells at him ordering him to stop and Quatro moves in to punch him but misses. However, Phora attacks Katrina sending her flying across the room.
Quatro Lad's father attempts to charm random woman (next to where Katrina lands).
Reflectakid uses their powers to create a duplicate images of Dynasty's father. Seeing this, Katrina uses her latent Derlin abilities to impersonate Dynasty's father.
As the battle with Phora continues, the message on the flight rings comes through from Timberwolf that Monel and UltraBoy are fighting each other at Legion HQ and "tearing the place apart".
HOWEVER, Ouro Rud (Quatro Lad's father) believes Katrina to be a man "moving in on his territory" and punches her. Katrina is further angered by this.
Skid uses his friction powers to slow Phora down and the fight continues.
Dynasty uses her powers to transport the fracas to Earth where she sensed "her bloodline" exhausting her and causing her to pass out. They appear in room with: Katrina's parents and Zsa Zsa Patil. Katrina is a little disoriented and further angered at seeing her parents talking with Zsa Zsa. She sends a message over the flight ring for the team to close their eyes and attempts an all-direction dazzling stunning blast in hopes of temporarily blinding everyone.
Quatro and Skid are uneffected (as they closed their eyes), but Reflectikid is dazzled. When the light fades, Phora has vanished. Quatro's father moves in and hits on Zsa Zsa.
Zsa Zsa snaps her fingers and the rooms lighting is back to normal from Reflectakid's effects. The rest of the group gets ready if Phora reappears.
Katrina reverts to her normal appearance and tries to kick Quatro's father in the groin in anger (for being an idiot and hitting her) but only hitting his leg.
Quatro tries to grab Zsa Zsa but his hands go right through her as if she was insubstantial.
Zsa Zsa starts berating and insulting the heroes. She reveals that she is training him to be a member of Nagini. Zsa Zsa says that Phora clearly considered her to be more of a mother than Katrina had ever been. She condescendingly tells them to leave.
Herman suddenly screams and falls over clutching his head. Skid checks and sees blood coming out of his ears. He sees a "wasp-like" creature.
Katrina turns to her parents demanding why Zsa Zsa was there. Katrina's parents go on to accuse her of being an ungrateful child who doesn't care about her family. Katrina is dumbfounded at this and her eyes go cold as something inside her snaps...
Ouro sits down next to Katrina's father and says "Hey! We're family!"
After orders from Zsa Zsa they realize the wasp is Phora. Skid tries to grab the wasp with his tweezers. Reflectakid attempts to stun Phora with a flash.
Katrina goes over to Ouro and her parents. She raises her hands and incinerates them. She takes off her Legion ring and flies away.
Skid works on healing Herman and a version of Dynasty suddenly appears standing there (next to her unconscious body). The duplicate Dynasty assesses the situation.
Zsa Zsa continues to taunt Quatro until he can plan his next action.
The wasp in Herman's ear flies out, turns into a large snake, only to be blocked by a green shield summoned by duplicate Dynasty. The snake reverts to being Phora.
Dynasty attempts to sap Zsa Zsa's will magically. Zsa Zsa vanishes revealing A BIG GREEN FLOATING EYEBALL (it's Dynasty's removed eye from earlier).
Meanwhile, Katrina flies in a daze. She gets turned around in the room and finds herself back into the room. Her parents and Quatro's father are sitting there as if nothing had happened.
Quatro attacks Phora and beats him down.
Zsa Zsa reappears and the eye disappears. She is obviously confused and then vanishes.
Dynasty joins in the attack against Phora. Their combined attack they disable him.
With combat finished, Dynasty's duplicate vanishes.
Katrina's mother asks her what happened, to which she replies (unaccented), "Don't ever speak to me again."
Skid wakes Dynasty, temporarily, and they fly back to Katrina's lab.
Katrina performs some temporal scans, but doesn't detect any unusual chronal energies on Dynasty. Dynasty theorizes that the eye is the Emerald Empress.
Timberwolf updates the group with what happened with the fight between Mon-El and Ultra-Boy.
Skid goes to check on Ultra Boy. Dynasty follows to allow her to recover under medical supervision.
Katrina examines Phora. He was wearing a nipple-ring (gift from Zsa Zsa) that was made from Atmospherium.
Fantasy Art Commissions: Have You Ever Commissioned Some Artwork?
My niece is an aspiring graphic artist, and she's slowly learning the
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45 minutes ago
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