Monday, October 29, 2018

Shattered Star - Into the Nightmare Rift - We got the Treasure!

Tryptic enters the lake to get the treasure. He carries out several treasure chests. The party inventories the items. This includes a chest that is of giant make that they give to Solacra as a thank you.

North-by the map is THRILLED that they found the treasure. Tryptic promises to carve a nice scroll case for him.

The party sets up camp for the night.

Tryptic is outside the hut with Solacra. They have a suspicious feeling that something is watching them at you for the whole night.

Tryptic hears something rummaging through the scrub in the leaves are on the ground. Suddenly, a black rabbit with a white unicorn horn coming out of middle of head jumps out. It looks around but generally ignores them. After a few moments, the rabbit looks up at Solacra and its eyes are bloodshot. It opens a mouth full of sharp teeth. It leaps at them and attacks. Solacra crushes it with her club.

The party continues travelling the next day until they enter the badlands near Giltspur. They encounter a fort with guardtowers being manned by giants. Solacra doesn’t want to engage in a battle and leaves. The party moves in and the giants attack with ballista, boulders, and mammoths they set on fire.

The party manages to defeat the giants that were outside and proceed in.

Inside, they encounter...

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