Monday, October 15, 2018

Shattered Star - Into the Nightmare Rift - I would back you up, Wil, but you didn't back me up about the dolphins

Image from my colonoscopy
The whispering turns out to be strange being of eyes and tentacles coming out of the tower to attack the heroes. A battle ensues. The party is badly beaten, but the flying polyp chooses not to press it's attack and it flies away. In the process, Jazeem falls into the water.

Jazeem comes out of the water, and seems somewhat unaffected. The party heals and returns to the shore. They divide the items they found and continue.

In their travel they encounter a cloud giant examining some ruins. He warns them away, but the heroes indicate they are not interested in what he is working on. They talk with him, but a fight doesn't ensue. His name is Syboroth. Morrigan is very careful to not reveal why they are there nor reveal what is going on. She mentions the locations they've been in general, but carefully omitting references to the Runelords. She references Stormreach and Fog Lake. Syboroth points out that the spires, like the one in Fog Lake, are prisons of beings aligned with the daelkyr.

The party continues.

As they continue, Wil notices they are surrounded by a large group of monkeys. They approach and Jazeem greets them. They do understand common. Jazeem inadvertently scares them away.

They make camp for the night and Solacra indicates she further feels they are being watched at night.

As they see the monkey's continue to follow them.

Image result for blue beetle "justice league international"
Because Jim named it "Ted"
The party is attacked by strange jackal like creatures. Morrigan theorizes they were ones regular jackals that had been mutated by the strong magics of Xen'drik. The jackals flee, and the party sees that they were standing over the bodies of serpentfolk. They find an alchemical beetle. Tryptic reactivates it.

While they continue to travel North-By jumps out of the bag and directs them to the lake where the treasure guarded by the half-dragon dire crocodile.

They arrive at the lake. North-By points out that the treasure is IN the lake. Jazeem proceeds to make chicken noises to lure the crocodile out. Battle ensues and the crocodile eventually surrenders and dives beneath the water.

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