Written by our GM.
Time has changed. The main changes to the timeline seem to center around the non-existence of Brainiac 5 and his two preceding ancestors. Without Brainiac 5 in the Legion, the third body of Triplicate Girl was never killed by his creation Computo. Jacques Foccart never became Invisible Kid II. Mon-El was never permanently cured of lead poisoning and so resides in the Phantom Zone, where Phantom Girl has become his girlfriend, leading Ultra Boy to hook up with Shadow Lass. Legion flight rings are less efficient, as are intergalactic communications. Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet both died in battle. Tellus never graduated from Legion Academy to the team. For some reason, the President of Earth is no longer Katrina Gupta’s ex Kel Wynters but rather Lyna Rosas, someone who wasn’t even a candidate in the last election.
Rond Vidar and Circadia Senius likewise do not exist. Without them and Brainiac 5, there is no Time Institute and no time travel through normal scientific means. As a result, Superboy never joined the Legion. Without his presence in the 30th Century, his descendant Laurel Gand was never inspired to join the Legion Academy until recently when she was moved by the sacrifice of Kid Skid (see below). Cosmic Boy and Night Girl, however, were apparently outside of time when the changes occurred and still have an operational time bubble now that our protagonists enabled them to escape from the Time Trapper’s realm at the end/beginning of time.
The planet of Naltor, whose inhabitants can all see the future, has been wiped out by Roman soldiers from the distant past. Likewise, Dream Girl was killed by an ancient Roman, driving her surviving sister, the White Witch, mad with grief.
Harmonia Li, a scientist from the previous timeline’s Time Institute, still inexplicably retains her memories of the old timeline and apparently others as well. Despite her unexplained hostility toward Dynasty, she has been working with our heroes to restore the timeline.
With a still-extant time bubble, will our heroes follow through on their plan to travel to the past to restore Brainiac 3 and hopefully his descendants to the timeline and undo the Time Trapper’s meddling?
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