Thursday, June 14, 2018

Legion of Superheroes - Lead up to Season 3 - Savage Times

Written by our GM

One of the recurrent villains the Academy students have faced is the immortal Vandal Savage. Originally a caveman who was exposed to a life-extending meteorite, he has lived for millennia as a would-be conqueror and ruler. In the 20th century, he came into conflict with the fabled Justice Society of America and most especially Green Lantern Alan Scott, Dynasty’s ancestor. Battling with numerous individuals and groups throughout the Age of Heroes, Savage was eventually trapped within the magical Tower of Fate, where he spent the next thousand years.

Freed when Darkseid drained the magic from various artifacts, including the Helm of Nabu that was keeping Savage prisoner, Savage explored his newfound world. Reliant on the organs of his descendants for full health, he killed his last known relative and began seeding new ones. He discovered that a magical ritual with the blood of his enemies’ descendants, especially super-powered ones, could also sustain him, and so he killed a number of JSA descendants. This led him to Dynasty’s family, where he brutalized her brother before she tried dropping him out of the sky. He escaped but took with him a sample of Kyle Ramirez’s DNA.

Eventually, Savage found his way to the criminal world of Tartarus, where he took control of the newly reforming Devil’s Dozen from Prince Evillo. Our heroes went undercover to infiltrate the new group and were surprised to find him in charge of it. They discovered that he had been cloning Kyle and allowing Mantis Morlo to experiment on some of the clones while he used the blood of others to sustain himself. After he toyed with our heroes for a while, he imprisoned them all except Katrina, whom he saw as potential breeding stock. But his telepathic servant, an undercover Mentalla, had swapped the heroes’ minds so it was actually Ultra Boy in Katrina’s body he slept with. There was a great battle in which most of the Devil’s Dozen were apprehended, including Savage himself apparently. But the captured Savage turned out to be his shapeshifting Durlan lackey, Lyja. The real Savage used his teleporting ally Zymyr to escape along with his cloning equipment. No doubt he’ll return at the most inconvenient time for our heroes.

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