Upon returning to Metropolis, the tree that was planted to honor Kid Skid's sacrifice splits open, revealing a miniature, reborn Kid Skid. He reveals that he had seen things across the planet. Ollie, Kid's brother, is happy to see him back and talks about what he'd seen.
Quatro's father calls to chide him about not hearing about the wedding. He lets Quatro know that his mother is pregnant. They are excited to come out for the wedding.
Dynasty's omni-com rings and Lightning Lass is calling. She tells Dynasty that she has to get back to HQ immediately.
They group piles into the shuttlecraft and returns to Legion HQ. They notice a new weird archaic vehical parked there. Oddly, it looks to only be painted with four colors. The incredibly slow computer scans everyone but fails to recognise Phora. Katrina adds Phora to the system.
The Phora and Ollie run off to play video games, Dynasty goes to speak with Lightning Lass, Quatro goes to get silver ale from the replicator, and the rest of the group goes to the Med Lab.
Katrina and Skid scan him and determine that he has conflicting cell structures: infant and adolescent. Kat theorises that the infant cells are from the regeneration while the adolescent ones are his original cells. However, it appears that there will be an issue if they don't fix this. Skid tries to heal himself, but to no avail. Katrina stars working out a method to focus on the older cells to help heal him.
Dynasty find her way to Lightning Lass office and runs into Chorophyll Kid who tells her that Lightning Lass was uninterested in any members of the Legion of Super-Trees joining the Legion.
Dynasty heads in to Lightning Lass office. There she meets Reflecta-kid. Reflecta-kid says he is here for Legion try-outs. That were supposed to have occurred in two days. It becomes clear that Reflecta kid is from another timeline. Lightning Lass says to Dynasty, "Your timeline, your problem." and sends them on their way.
Meanwhile, Quatro is frustrated that he can't replicate silver ale. Meanwhile, Sun Boy meets him and tells him that he'll throw a HUGE bachelor party. Quatro calls his bride to be. She tells him the wedding will be the day after tomorrow and to get everything together - she could only narrow down to 25 bridesmaids, so he needs to find 25 groomsmen.
Back in the med-bay, Chlorophyll kid arrives. Skid and Kat explain what is going on with Skid and they show Chlorophyll kid the readout. Chloropyll Kid says he might be able to stimulate the adolescent cells. Chlorophyll uses his powers and heals Skid back to normal.
Dynasty arrives with Reflecta-kid for Kat to take readings. She realises that he is not actually from their timeline nor the current timeline. Kat theorises that he is from some other dimension as if there was some crisis across infinite worlds that caused the divergence (Reflecta-kid references the 1960s continuity of Legion of Superheroes).
Quatro arrives holding two cans of silver ale. Nightwind also arrives and tells Dynasty that they should have a double wedding. Dynasty (lies) and says that she has a surprise wedding planned and not to bother. Nightwind leaves and is very excited.
Dynasty thinks that they can find the Time sphere that Cosmic Boy and Night Girl used and go back to where the original divergence occurred. While trying to locate, Dr. Harmonia Li contacts her. She says that she'd also located the time bubble in the Himalayas. They decide to meet here there while Chlorophyll Kid heads back to Legion of Super Trees. Dynasty tells Lightning Lass that they are going to go the Himalayas to find the time bubble.
They arrive at the Himalayas. They locate the energy signature near a resort and land there. They find the time bubble. There they find Harmonia Li with two other people: Cosmic Boy and Night Girl. Harmonia says they were unconscious when she arrived, they have several injuries, and are suffering from temporal shock. Skid deduces that they were in some sort of battle before landing.
Kat notes that the time bubble needs to be repaired before it can fly. They decide to take it back to her lab at Legion headquarters. Quatro lifts the time bubble and accidentally damages it a little more.
Cosmic Boy stirs and indicates that the Time Trapper has done something. Dynasty apprises him of the situation with regard to time. Cosmic Boy says that when they were in the twentieth century and everything was "wrong".
Harmonia Li and Dynasty argue as the group returns to Metropolis.
When they arrive, Katrina and Harmonia start repairing the time bubble. They conclude that they can leave Cosmic Boy and Night Girl should be fine if they leave them here when they head back to alter the timeline.
Dynasty attempts to contact Lightning Lass but she refuses to answer.
Night Girl recovers enough to speak. Cosmic Boy tells her she can rest. Cosmic Boy tells them about the twentieth century, for example, Superman didn't recognise them. They conclude that Brainiac 3 never existed. They recall that when they left the Time Trapper's realm previously, that they arrived in the 40s and there were SEVERAL errors. They decide to go back to where Braniac 3 should have existed and work from there.
Harmonia and Katrina finish repairing the bubble. The five of them board the time bubble and heads back. The time vortex is very bumpy.
They arrive in the skies above Metropolis into a giant battle. They are in the 20th century and discover they have arrived during the Khund invasion of earth. Dynasty recalls that Braniac 2 was indeed involved during invasion. The group flies out and assist in battling the Khunds.
The Khunds retreat but suddenly the META-BOMB explodes.
Fantasy Art Commissions: Have You Ever Commissioned Some Artwork?
My niece is an aspiring graphic artist, and she's slowly learning the
industry (she's in high school). I'll occasionally commission her to create
45 minutes ago
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