Needless to say, today's STF Rocked!!!!!!!
Our AVs weren't defeated as fast as I would have liked, but we got it done. South was unable to participate today, and the lack of regeneration debuff showed. However, I got the above reward. For you non-CoH playing reader, this is a VERY good reward.
One other thing of note, I forgot to mention yesterday. On Sunday night, Demon Hunter Yurei ran a Statesman Task Force with Paragon University Archaeology Department. We blew through it very fast and with minimal effort. Even my friend, Dr. Opie, was able to participate. However, the REAL surprise came when she exited the mission.
05-20-2007 20:03:21 Neutro Lad has defeated Bane Spider Executioner
05-20-2007 20:03:21 D-Shift has defeated Bane Spider Executioner
05-20-2007 20:03:21 Charisma has defeated Lord Recluse
05-20-2007 20:03:21 [NPC]Lord Recluse: This...
05-20-2007 20:03:23 [NPC]Lord Recluse: Is...
05-20-2007 20:03:25 [NPC]Lord Recluse: Impossible. . .
05-20-2007 20:03:48 [Team]Dr. Opie: yes.
05-20-2007 20:03:48 [Team]Neutro Lad: gj all
05-20-2007 20:03:54 [Team]Charisma: Nice work, team
05-20-2007 20:04:04 [Team]D-Shift: Excellent!
05-20-2007 20:04:18 [Team]Charisma: I got Positron's Blast Dam/Acc/End - anyone looking for it?
05-20-2007 20:04:19 Entering Bell Point.
05-20-2007 20:04:34 [PUAD] Rachael Storm: [50:Demon Hunter Yurei] Bolt, I award you the title - Honorary Stone Tank
05-20-2007 20:04:44 Team task completed.
05-20-2007 20:04:49 [Team]Dr. Opie: thanks for having me along
05-20-2007 20:04:52 [Local]Rei Ki: Demon Hunter Yurei...
05-20-2007 20:04:55 [Team]Neutro Lad: later all
05-20-2007 20:05:01 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: yes?
05-20-2007 20:05:03 [Team]Charisma: thanks for coming, Opie and Neutro
05-20-2007 20:05:16 [Team]Neutro Lad: np thx for having me take care
05-20-2007 20:05:17 [Local]Rei Ki: When you've finished you TF...PCSAR would like a word. :)
05-20-2007 20:05:24 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: that would be now
05-20-2007 20:05:32 [Local]House Call: He told you!
05-20-2007 20:05:48 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: told me?
05-20-2007 20:05:48 [Local]Gear Lock:What do you want?
05-20-2007 20:05:59 [Local]House Call: No, told Rei
05-20-2007 20:06:09 [Local]Rei Ki: You're amazing patience in sheparding our members through said TF has not gone unnoticed. :)
05-20-2007 20:06:20 [Local]Mr. Strong: OMG whats skrong wearing?!
05-20-2007 20:06:35 [Local]House Call: Strong, please scoot a bit, good sir
05-20-2007 20:06:44 [Local]House Call: Thankee. ;)
05-20-2007 20:06:47 [Local]Rei Ki: Would you consent to join PCSAR, Demon Hunter Yurei?
05-20-2007 20:06:49 [Local]Mr. Strong: :-P np bro
05-20-2007 20:06:52 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: I would
05-20-2007 20:06:56 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: :)
05-20-2007 20:07:10 Neutro Lad has quit the team
05-20-2007 20:07:16 You have quit your team
05-20-2007 20:08:00 Demon Hunter Yurei is now a member of Paragon City Search and Rescue!
05-20-2007 20:08:06 [SuperGroup]Demon Hunter Yurei: YIPPY SKIPPY!
05-20-2007 20:08:07 [Local]House Call: Woohoo!
05-20-2007 20:08:10 [Local]Charisma: WOO HOO! Congrats, Yurei!
05-20-2007 20:08:15 [Local]Bolt Crank: hey house call
05-20-2007 20:08:20 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: thank you!
05-20-2007 20:08:25 [Tell]Dr. Opie: there ya go!
05-20-2007 20:08:32 [Broadcast]Rei Ki: Paragon City Search and Rescue is proud to welcome it's newest member, Demon Hunter Yurei!
05-20-2007 20:08:43 [Local]Panthro: I'm touched
05-20-2007 20:09:01 [Broadcast]Demon Hunter Yurei: *swoon*
05-20-2007 20:09:04 [Local]Bolt Crank: Aha! not you have to be an EMT!
05-20-2007 20:09:06 [Local]Rei Ki: Well, shoot, we all know that Panthro :)
05-20-2007 20:09:09 [Local]Bolt Crank: And see peoples guts and stuff
05-20-2007 20:09:12 [Local]House Call: Wow ... all the big Profs running the TF with ya tonight!
05-20-2007 20:09:13 [Local]Bolt Crank: and save peoples lives
05-20-2007 20:09:19 House Call lowdrum
05-20-2007 20:09:49 Demon Hunter Yurei has joined the team
05-20-2007 20:09:50 [Local]Bolt Crank: Yup!
05-20-2007 20:09:53 [Team]Demon Hunter Yurei: HI!
05-20-2007 20:10:03 [Team]Archon of Hope: Welcome! :)
05-20-2007 20:10:05 [Team]Slick Zero: hey hey
05-20-2007 20:10:09 [Team]House Call: Heya!
05-20-2007 20:10:15 [Local]Rei Ki: Wow..some seriously famous names here :)
05-20-2007 20:10:17 [Local]Panthro: sooo, where is the doughnuts
05-20-2007 20:10:18 [Local]D-Shift: Congtratulations Yurei, well done.
05-20-2007 20:10:20 [Local]Bolt Crank: I live in shame
05-20-2007 20:10:33 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: yes, bolt, But Rachael still awards you the title of Honorary Stone Tank
05-20-2007 20:10:34 [Local]Dr. Opie: it was all DHY's fault ...
05-20-2007 20:10:34 [Local]Bolt Crank: Well one time it was for the good of vengence..
05-20-2007 20:10:36 [Local]Panthro: yeah, congrats, fine group PCSAR is
05-20-2007 20:10:47 [Local]House Call: I know! PUAD leadership, DD leadership ... it's the best of the best STF group!
05-20-2007 20:11:00 [Local]House Call: Oops! SotSM over there, too!
05-20-2007 20:11:01 [Local]Bolt Crank: Yeah it was really nasty
05-20-2007 20:11:05 [Local]Panthro: i can't take any credit, i just logged on
05-20-2007 20:11:06 [Local]Dr. Opie: yep
05-20-2007 20:11:06 [Local]Bolt Crank: We kicked some serious tail
05-20-2007 20:11:14 [Local]Rei Ki: I got to finish it with Rachael yesterday morning :) On one of her 3 runs.
05-20-2007 20:11:44 [Local]Bolt Crank: Bolt Crank and Gear Lock... we look sexy together
05-20-2007 20:11:52 [Local]Bolt Crank: Golem POWER!
05-20-2007 20:12:02 [Team]Demon Hunter Yurei: Excellent!
05-20-2007 20:12:16 [Local]Slick Zero: Welcome Demon Hunter Yurei....Now go heal sump'n
05-20-2007 20:12:17 [Local]House Call: Statesman is so smug over there, like he doesnt even know we're having a grand ole time behind him
05-20-2007 20:12:30 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: fixed.
05-20-2007 20:12:31 [Local]Bolt Crank: Yeah he doesn't get it.. all he does is get captured by himself
05-20-2007 20:12:32 [Local]Rei Ki: meh, he's a killjoy anyway
05-20-2007 20:12:38 [Local]Bolt Crank: We do all the hero work in this town ;)
05-20-2007 20:12:45 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: there you go
05-20-2007 20:12:46 [Local]D-Shift: He is too old for fun apparantly...I guess it runs out after 80 years.
05-20-2007 20:12:47 [Local]Bayushi Hiroshi: i do half the villain work!
05-20-2007 20:12:48 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: go take damage
05-20-2007 20:12:50 [Local]Slick Zero: :)
05-20-2007 20:13:07 [Local]D-Shift: Hey there Bayushi
05-20-2007 20:13:09 [Local]Bayushi Hiroshi: hah!
05-20-2007 20:13:18 [Local]Demon Hunter Yurei: there..should be room
05-20-2007 20:13:18 [Local]Bayushi Hiroshi: thanks. only two more to go now.
05-20-2007 20:13:18 [Local]Gear Lock: Alright Bolt, D, see you in class.
05-20-2007 20:13:21 [Local]Bolt Crank: Alright, time to go play Cthulu
05-20-2007 20:13:23 [Local]Bayushi Hiroshi: hola d.
05-20-2007 20:13:30 [Local]Bayushi Hiroshi: yep, zachary is picking me up.
05-20-2007 20:13:31 [Local]Bolt Crank: CTHULU FA'THAGAN!
05-20-2007 20:13:33 [Local]House Call: DANG IT
05-20-2007 20:13:33 [Local]D-Shift: Just checking....Black Scorpion isn't um....*wearing black pajamas* under his armor?
05-20-2007 20:13:36 [Local]Charisma: have fun, Bolt! Thanks for a fun run again
05-20-2007 20:13:37 [Local]House Call: I died off the boat. lol
05-20-2007 20:13:45 [Local]Rei Ki: Ah geez...House is dead again
05-20-2007 20:13:47 [Local]House Call: Im such an idjit
05-20-2007 20:13:47 [Local]Charisma: see ya, all!
05-20-2007 20:14:01 [Local]House Call: Yay!
05-20-2007 20:14:04 [Local]Dr. Opie: yeah, bolt ... anytime you need a blaster, just look me up. fine leading
I am honored and humbled to join such a well respected organization.GATHER FOR RAs!