Thursday, April 20, 2023

DC Modern/Legion of Superheroes - Crossover event: THE HANDS OF FATE! - Session 11 - 9/1/20

We dug up some more mid 19th century catbits for you. Enjoy the early years of catbites when each page had to be hand illuminated before delivery.

With Dr. Tripod's book setting the New York Times Best seller list on fire there are talks of a movie deal in the works.  Brad Pitt has already expressed interested in reprising his role as Achilles, but not so fast...according to inside sources Dr Tripod has veto on casting.  Tripod has mentioned that Achilles hates Pitt's biopic of him and Tripod thinks that Dustin Diamond or Carrot Top are a much better fit for the real Achilles.

With it looking more Likely the Myrmidons are dead, nostalgia seems to be driving Myrmidon collectables and book sales.  Even this reporter is not immune to the misty-eyed feeling of loss.  But then I remember how they had to have Beast Boy's help to bring to justice a third string loser like General Immortus and sudden I remember how much better off Gateway city is.  

Speaking of heroes did everyone see the eye poping headline in todays Gateway City Courier?  The return of Wonder Woman to our fair city.  Granting it is only her little sister Wonder Girl playing dress up but still having a B lister will be a huge step up for gateway, like six letters!

And now a special treat our villainous sister omnicast has shared with us some of this weeks Catbites or would that be werecatbites!

8 September 2986

To all you villains and fiends out there, here are the latest bites from Cat-Scratch Girl, coming to you from everyone’s favorite criminal hideout, Tartarus.

Lame losers Quicksand and Holdur were brought down like the posers they are when they tried attacking a motley assemblage of heroes wandering the streets near the Prince’s castle. Their sole claim to fame was that they had been bootlicking toadies to uber-villain Pulsar Stargrave, which they’ve been living off of for years. Wonder who these ragtag heroes invading Tartarus are—the Legion of Substitute Heroes Substitute Auxiliaries maybe?

Speaking of the new Prince, his creepy shadow minions continue to skulk about the streets like bargain-basement Dementors in need of a makeover. You’d think shadows couldn’t be handsy, but you’d be wrong as numerous nogoodniks have reported being molested by horny tendrils of darkness. Asking for a friend, can you get impregnated by shadows—because all these minions have to be coming from somewhere.

Whatever Prince Savage has going on, he’s been importing stasis tubes and space-dragon amniotic fluid by the shipload. Does this have anything to do with his claims that Tartarus will soon be safe from all marauding heroes looking to make a name for themselves by taking down some of the less-than-stellar villains hanging out on this dump of a planet? Can’t happen soon enough for Quicksand and Holdur!

Boom! Holomic drop! Violence and mayhem to all my readers!

And there you have it!  All the news that is fit to know in easily digestible bites!  See you next time! 


Dynasty’s group goes to the window. They enter and find a sigil life force transference and two dead Shade clones.

They encounter a dark corridor where no light seems to go beyond.  They discuss if it is Shade's powers or Spear of Destiny.

Suddenly they are enveloped by the darkness.  Inside Darkness we find Orichalcum's Grandfather.

Grandfather brought here by Shade! and then attacked by someone who yanks his heart out.  Orichalcum grabs grandfather and runs back to room.  Then Batman by Gaslight appears and speaks to Rachel.  Dynasty can not heal Grandfather with Powers.  Bat chastises Rachel.  Dynasty then uses a magic ritual to try and heal grandfather.  Then Reflecti-Kid drags body of Dynasty's father over.  

Dynasty manages to jury rig a ritual to allow the group to see through the Darkness and the illusions.  They continue down the corridor and enter a room with clones of Dynasty's brother and an empty chamber covered in wood that is empty.  Dynasty destroys the clones and the machines.  Rachel opens a door and finds room with similar tubes but with different people all of which are important Earth Governmental people including the President and Chief Zendek.

Found another room with bodies with no liquid.  And in the last room lots of tubes with runes all over them that seem to be cloning runes working off of magic.

Reflecti-Kid finds two clones of Dynasty's brother making out.  

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